Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog Update

Just a quick scheduling note before. While the regular Thursday updates were good at keeping me on task (well, until they became the Friday updates) I feel like it’s also been a hindrance at times. For starters, I end up feeling like every entry must be long and ponderous since this blog is only being utilized once a week. That and it also leaves me feeling like I can’t update whenever big news gets mentioned, since I must wait forThursday.
So the schedule here at "Blue Foot, Gold Foot" is changing. There will always be a Friday post now that the schedule has wandered there. However, I’ll be posting bits and pieces throughout the week as well. Overall each entry will likely be a bit shorter, but I think more frequent content will make for a more interesting blog.

Next piece will be today or tomorrow and will detail some of the things there are to like about East Hartford, the town in which our beloved Rentschler Field stands. There'll be beer and fine dining... well, dining anyway.

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