Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday night... are you ready for some football?

I am. Sadly, there isn't much going on late in the weeks. Sure, the NFL has Thursday night games late in the season, but those of us without the NFL Network are out of luck, and their live, online broadcast isn't so much a football game as it is two hours and thirty minutes of commentary with about two or three minutes of live play per quarter.

I hadn't realized just how much I'd miss late week ball games. Surely three games on Sunday would be enough to tide me over? Apparently not. That being the case, the least I can do is something football-related. That is why I pledge to stick to a regular schedule of updates for Blue Foot, Gold Foot, every Thursday during the off season. When the UFL comes back in August, I'll be looking into a more robust posting schedule then.

In the meantime, it's up to me grow this blog. There are only six of you reading this at the moment, and while I thank you wonderful half-dozen for your attention, things can only get better with more eyes on the screen and a few more voices in the comments box below.

Seeing as this is more blog news than it is UFL news, expect a post tomorrow with a bit more substance. Thanks for reading, and g'night.

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