Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Over!

Halloween came and went. Thanksgiving is done. The season is over. The championship trophy has been handed out. Now, it's time for retooling.

Obviously the big issue for the UFL is going to be who comes back and who doesn't, but there will be plenty of time to talk about that. Right now, I'm just talking about this blog. What? No, BFGF isn't over. Think of the past few months as its inaugural season, played with only a few posts and without a sense of whether or not this will become an independent blog or a feeder blog for some much larger blog. More specifically, I'm thinking of retooling the feel here. I've been opting for safe and straight-laced (admittedly with a side of scandal) and somehow it feels a bit dull.

I think what the UFL needs now is a comedy option. We'll just have to see where it goes from here. Scheduled updates would probably be a plus, as opposed to updates whenever I feel I have time. Maybe some bright and noisy banner ads in case you wanted thousands of smilies, or to save 13% on car insurance, or to get your degree in homeopathic phrenology from the University of Pittsburgh. The potential here is endless.

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