Friday, June 24, 2011

Theismann Unhappy with UFL Owners

The Canadian National Post printed an interview with Joe Theismann today, and while the CFL was the main topic, Joe had a little to say about the UFL

(post) Last year you were president of the Florida Tuskers in the UFL. What was that experience like?

(J.T) I worked hard as the head of football operations to fight for the people in the organization. Unfortunately the owners of the UFL have treated people like dirt. You can’t operate a successful business without being courteous and considerate of the people that work for you.

That is... really not good to hear. We know that there have been some problems with bills and so forth, but it's not typical that you hear a comment as direct and unrestrained as this. Sad to say, it makes you wonder what some of the top brass were up to.

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