Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hockey Teams Moving North for the Summer

Looks like the NHL's Atlanta Thrashers have had enough of Georgia and are moving to Canada for the 2011-12 season. The team will be ditching their Atlanta moniker and going with something new. Apparently the Jets are leading in the polls, due to the team of the same name that played there until 1996.

Could a Hartford relocation be far behind? I wouldn't get my hopes up, but it's not unfeasible. Hockey has never been a staple of the south and, personally, I think two NHL teams in Florida is at least one too many. Sounds like the Winnipeg probablyJets will be playing in a venue even smaller than the XL Center.

Come on NHL. No excuses. With the threat of an NFL lockout I'm ready to sell myself to the Bruins if I have to, but I'd rather root for Hartford's home team.

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