Friday, April 1, 2011

Destroyers Sign Quarterback Jeff George

Hot on the heels of yesterday's UFLAccess article on teams’ QB situations, the Virginia Destroyers have signed long-time NFL veteran and former Washington Redskin Jeff George. George was on the roster for the Marty Schottenheimer led 2001 Redskins, who compiled an 8-8 record.

“Some people might laugh about it. I've been hearing the excuse, 'You're too old,' but I look at guys now playing near 40, and if you can throw it like I can throw it ... Why wouldn't you take a look at me?" the 43-year old George has said. “I know it’s a young man’s game, but you can’t tell me I’m not better than some of the quarterbacks that are out there.”
 If the Destroyers make the UFL championship, George could have a record setting season. At 43, Jeff George would tie the late great George Blanda for the oldest quarterback to play in a championship game.
“I’m thrilled to have him aboard,” said Destroyers coach and GM Marty Schottenheimer. “Jeff and I have some history, and I know firsthand that he has more experience than any ten quarterbacks you can name. He’ll be a brilliant addition to what we’re trying to do here in Virginia.”